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EuPC Packaging Division Appoints New Division Manager and Launches Three Task Forces

On Monday 28 September 2015, the Packaging Division of the European Plastics Converters association (EuPC) held a meeting in Brussels to officially launch its three new taskforces and to appoint the division’s new Manager.

Three EuPC Packaging Task Forces were launched on Monday: the Communication Task Force, the Vision & Sustainability Task Force and the Policy Coordination Task Force. Each Task Force held its own kick-off meeting in order to set their mission statements and establish their internal organization.

Mr. Bjørn Hoem, Chairman of the EuPC Packaging Division, stated: “It’s encouraging to see that we are all working together in being proactive. The Plastics Packaging Industry is facing many challenges today and we plan to tackle these issues head on.”

Sustainability & Vision Taskforce – Chairman: Dr Jürgen Bruder. The strategy and vision of the plastic packaging industry for the next ten years will be set in this taskforce. During the meeting, goals were set regarding the protection of goods, consumer protection and the circular economy. Dr. Bruder is General Manager of the industry association IK, which represents the interests of manufacturers of plastics packaging in Germany.

Communications Taskforce – Chairwoman: Françoise Gerardi. This taskforce will initiate actions and tools in order to best communicate on plastic packaging and will be led by Françoise Gerardi, Managing Director of ELIPSO, which represents plastic and flexible packaging manufacturers in France. Several events will be organized in 2016 by the taskforce, under its new name: Plastics for Packaging.

Policy Coordination Taskforce – Lead by EuPC with advisory support from Francisco Morcillo. This taskforce will coordinate the responses to legislative initiatives set by EU institutions and can be linked to any regulatory issues proposed at EU level (P&PWD, recycling, end of life…). During the meeting, EU policy issues were discussed, considering the topics of highest priority for the creation of a focused and targeted action plan. Francisco Morcillo is the Senior Industrial Issues Executive at the British Plastics Federation and will have an advisory role within the task force.

As EuPC’s new Packaging Division Manager, Mr. Padraig Nolan will coordinate the new taskforces. Mr. Nolan was appointed to be the new Packaging Division Manager, succeeding Mrs. Ingrid Verschueren. He will take over the responsibilities of Division Manager while simultaneously continuing his work as EuPC’s Regulatory Affairs Manager. Additionally, Mr. Nolan will steer the policy taskforce and advocacy of the Packaging Division, including positioning plastics packaging within the frame of the circular economy.

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