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A Circular Future with Plastics 2022: Vynova sponsors,new speakers confirmed and final agenda coming


EuPC with the Belgian associations Agoria and Essenscia - PolyMatters are delighted to announce you that Vynova will be counted among the sponsors of the 2022 edition of the two-days conference A Circular Future with Plastics.

Furthermore, a new session « Waste Free Oceans » has been added to the agenda. The session will be moderated by Mr. Bernard Merkx the Co-Founder, and will take place in the afternoon of the 19th May in parallel with the Packaging session. The main topics that will be discussed here are the EPRs on fishing gear, the presence of microplastics in sea water and the context of « Alliance to end plastics waste in Indonesia ».

This two-days event will take place on 19th & 20th May 2022 at the stunning Renaissance Hotel in Brussels, just few meters from the European Parliament. During the morning of the 19th May, three Market Sessions on Packaging, Automotive and Building & Construction will take place in parallel. In the afternoon, the Packaging session continues while the WFO one starts in parallel. In the evening, there is plenty of opportunity to network during the gala dinner in the exciting setting of the Concert Noble.

During the second day, on the 20th of May, there will be the main conference with the panel debate. Moderated by the journalist Mrs. Melinda Crane, the main conference will host for example Mr. Nunes de Almeida - Director General of DG GROW at the European Commission, the MEP Soren Gade - Member of the European Parliament, Mr. Markus Steilemann - President of Plastics Europe, Mrs. Gracy Ramont - General Manager at Segers & Balcaen, Mr. Claude Clément – President & CEO Europe at Plastic Omnium. Many other additional high level of speakers have been confirmed.

The final agenda with all the details, titles of the presentations, timings and speakers’ names will be published beginning of April.

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EuPC media contact:


+32 (0)2 741 82 82

Avenue de Cortenbergh 71

1000 Bruxelles, Belgium


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