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EuPC&Plastics Europe launch public consultation on their OCS voluntary certification scheme project


PRESS RELEASE - Major milestone in the fight against pellet loss in the environment

Following several years of continuous development and adoption of OCS program throughout the plastics value-chain*, EuPC, the association of European Plastics Converters, and Plastics Europe,the association of plastics manufacturers in Europe, have decided to go a step further and have committed to jointly develop and launch by 2022 an OCS certification scheme.

This certification scheme aims at controlling and documenting compliance with OCS requirements targeting minimization of pellet loss across the entire plastic supply chain. This will also support the effective, harmonised, and quantifiable implementation of the OCS programme. The externally audited companies compliant with the certification scheme will be registered on a publicly available on-line Public Register.

The development process of this certification scheme, carried out under the supervision of a multi-stakeholders committee, gathering representatives of policymakers, NGOs, certification bodies and industry, aims at being transparent and inclusive. In that perspective, we are pleased to open today a public consultation to welcome views from various stakeholders on its rules and principles as well as on its detailed audit requirements and associated checklist (documents can be found here: Public Consultation on OCS Certification Scheme : OpCleanSweep)

You are invited to participate until 29 May in that public consultation here.


*More than 1600 companies and sites are committed to OCS programme till date

About Plastics Europe:

Plastics Europe is the pan-European association of plastics manufacturers with offices across Europe. For over 100 years, science and innovation has been the DNA that cuts across our industry. With close to 100 members producing over 90% of all polymers across Europe, we are the catalyst for the industry with a responsibility to openly engage with stakeholders and deliver solutions which are safe, circular and sustainable. We are committed to implementing long-lasting positive change.

About EuPC:

EuPC is the leading EU-level trade association representing European plastics converters. EuPC now totals about 51 European Plastics Converting national and European industry associations, it represents close to 50,000 companies, producing over 45 million tonnes of plastic products every year. The European plastics industry makes a significant contribution to the welfare in Europe by enabling innovation, creating quality of life to citizens and facilitating resource efficiency and climate protection. More than 1.6 million people are working in about 50,000 companies (mainly small and medium sized companies in the converting sector) to create a turnover in excess of 280 billion € per year.


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