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The ‘Plastics Circularity Multiplier’ group invites you to attend its first conference on the 10th June in Brussels. The event will bring together policy makers and representatives from industry and academia who will communicate on a range of EU-funded innovations that aim of bringing plastic materials into the circular economy.
Learn how to create cross cooperation between EU Projects and boost European Union efforts towards a circular economy for plastics.
R&D, investments and Chemical Recycling (PUReSmart, ISOPREP, DEMETO, polynSPIRE, iCAREPLAST)
Product design for recycling (Repair3D/SmartFAN, TERMINUS, DECOAT)
Collection and sorting of plastic waste (PlastiCircle and CREAToR)
Monitoring of recycled plastics (PolyCE and MultiCycle)
Date and time: 10.00 - 16.30 CET, 10 June 2020 - The event will finish with networking cocktails.
Location: BluePoint Brussels (80 Bd. A. Reyers 1030 Brussels)
Participation: Registration required, participation is free of charge
We are looking forward to welcoming you to our conference.
About the Plastics Circularity Multiplier Intitative Twenty one innovation projects joined forces in 2019 to boost European Union efforts towards a circular economy for plastics. The newly formed group will pool resources and expertise to “multiply” key messages from the ecosystem of projects that receive funding from the EU’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. The initiative is managed by EuPC, as Communication and Dissemination leader of the DEMETO project, with the participation of other Horizon 2020 Projects in the field of plastics circularity: CIRC-PACK, Circular Flooring, CREAToR, DECOAT, FiberEUse, HARMONI, iCAREPLAST, ISOPREP, MultiCycle, NONTOX, PlastiCircle, polynSPIRE, PolyCE, PUReSmart, REACT, REMADYL, REPAIR3D, SMARTFAN and TERMINUS. Life project REPOLYUSE has also joined the initiative as guest participant.
Contact: Ms Lilla Mezriczky Communications Officer European Plastics Converters (EuPC) Email: lilla.mezriczky@eupc.org Tel.: +32 (0) 2 739 63 86