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Revised Construction Products Regulation (CPR) published and open for consultation

On 30 March 2022, the European Commission published its long awaited proposal for a revised Construction Products Regulation.

Among the important issues contained in the proposal are:

- the extension of the Regulation to 3D printing;

- issuing both a Declaration of Performance and a Declaration of Conformity;

- the empowerment of the Commission to freely adopt delegated acts;

- the need to report on climate change requirements and environmental sustainability for the whole life cycle of products.

The proposal will now go through the ordinary legislative procedure. The publication of the proposed text is accompanied with a public consultation.

EuPC Building & Construction Division will of course provide some remarks and comments. To that purpose, EuPC Building & Construction Division organizes an internal brainstorming in April to discuss the proposal with the experts of EuPC members.


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